Real Estate Marketing Materials

Feature Sheets & Brochures

We can design and print feature sheets with full-bleed on heavy card-stock. The most popular options are the two and four page brochures. For larger luxury properties, we can design and print booklets starting from eight pages and up.

Just Listed & Just Sold Cards

In order to develop your business in a specific area or market demographic, Just Listed and Just Sold cards are an excellent tool for 'farming' the area for future business. We can design, print and, pre-bundle your cards for Canada Post.

MLS Data Sheets

Don't let your visitors go away empty handed. These custom printed MLS data sheets are perfect for Open Houses and showings. The front side showcases the home with photos. The back side has the MLS listing showing all the details of the listing.


You Supply the Images

When ordering our real estate marketing products, we can work with any images you supply us, not just ones taken by QStudios.

Print Finishes Make All The Difference

It is the little details that get big results. Have your feature sheets and brochures printed on heavier cardstock, and choose between wire bound and stapled bindings.